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The Best GoPro Cameras for Hunting
When you need to record your best moments in the field, there's a camera for that. Here's a look at our favorite choices.
Hunting gear is steadily improving as the years go on. From high-tech GPS machines to rangefinders, technology and hunting automatically go together these days. But newer advancements, such as the GoPro camera, and its impressive availability of accessories might be missing from your hunting bag.
Extreme athletes and adventure-seekers have used cameras to enhance their adventures, most notably. And now, a growing number of anglers and hunters are bringing cameras along to enhance their methods by watching their footage later and to document their kills.
Let’s take a look at the best GoPro cameras for hunting, followed by some of the features that make them worthwhile.
These GoPro cameras are ranked according to user level and budget, so those just looking to get their feet wet will find everything they need with the Session, while more advanced users looking to use their camera in more rough or complex conditions will find the HERO5 Black suitable to their needs.
Similarly, those looking for the most up-to-date model will find the HERO6 Black to be a model that offers the most top-of-the-line features yet, but at a slightly higher cost.
Continue reading below to learn more about each model.
This camera is small and has great resolution. For those who spend a lot of time in the woods, having something compact and lightweight is much appreciated.
In terms of control, the Session camera is quick and simple to use as long as you select your settings beforehand. This is why it’s so suitable for entry-level hunters and photographers.
This option has a simple one-button control; just turn the camera on by pressing the “on” button one time, then start capturing photos or videos instantly and automatically. In order to create a time lapse recording, hold the “on” button for a few seconds.
Created to handle extreme conditions and environments, the HERO Session doesn’t need housing and is waterproof up to 33 feet. Once you’re done recording or snapping a photo, use the same button to switch the device off.
This design allows for less drain on the battery and less confusion about whether the camera is on or off. Your days of leaving your device on accidentally are over. A small LCD screen comes on the device, which allows you to check record model, battery life, and card space.
If you need to use the LCD screen to make a small change in settings or turn on the Wi-Fi, you will find a small button on the bottom of the device. This is the only other physical button, adding to the Session’s overall simplicity. The camera offers both Bluetooth and handy wind noise reduction.
Most of the adjustment and setting changes can be done through a GoPro app, which is easy to use and better than the previous version. You may set this up with your phone simply and quickly.
As soon as the Session is paired up with the app, you can check out the live video preview for adjusting angles on the camera. Each adjustment is just a swipe or tap away.
The battery life of the Go Pro HERO Session lasts about two hours. Keep in mind that the battery is non-removable, so when the camera is at 0 percent battery, you need to charge it before it can be used more.
You aren’t able to put a new battery in like other Hero cameras allow you to do. Please note that this particular camera doesn’t allow for 4K and that if you need this, the HERO5 Session is preferable.
For those seeking a little more than just a camera, the GoPro HERO Session Bundle is worth checking out. It includes:
After you’ve mounted your GoPro onto your walking stick, bike, or horse, the resulting motion pictures can be imported onto an editor. You can also use the GoPro Studio app for free (found under “support” on the GoPro website) to edit, export, and convert your footage. This is the simplest way to do it.
The GoPro HERO5 Session is a durably designed camera that is waterproof in up to 33 feet of water. For those who wish to use the camera for diving, a housing is needed.
It has incredible 4K video, along with 10 MP pictures in time lapse, burst, and single modes. Just press the shutter button one time to turn it on and begin recording right away. This camera may be small but it offers so much.
The video quality is stunning and the electronic image stabilization removes the tiny jitters that appear with action cameras. This little thing packs a massive punch.
The audio is great and the intuitive button operations allow for simple, easy use. You can even use the second-button operation to alter basic settings without having to use the GoPro app. For more fine-tuning setting options, the app is available.
Keep this small camera in your pocket without any discomfort. Its rugged design includes a screw-on cover for the lens that is easily replaceable in the event of an unfortunate accident. This option comes with a faster record delay, taking only 2.5 seconds between “record” and “off” when the one-button filming is activated.
This camera comes with a linear FOV function, which effectively removes the fisheye needed for wider FOV style shots. This is comparable to the Medium FOV but does not come with noticeable distortion effects.
GoPro offers great updates for the firmware on the cameras they sell. The GoPro HERO5 Session received an update right after it launched, so check the GoPro website for update instructions. Many users will find the new Capture app to be a huge improvement from the last one.
It remembers your camera whenever you open it and is simple to connect to.
Enjoy the 30 FPS, electronic image stabilization, 1080 resolution (which is great for YouTube), and voice control. Having the ProTune switched on (which is an in-app option) heightens the video quality on the camera, but does come with larger sizes for your files.
The camera doesn’t come with beeping sounds that can scare off animals while you’re hunting and doesn’t come with LED lights (useful for the same reason).
You will find plenty of useful edits for post-processing on this camera, including the option to increase audio up to 200 percent, increase in saturation and contrast, and decease in brightness and gamma (if you film using the Flat Color profile).
In order to find software instructions and updates, check out the installation and user manuals. Hunters will find the hands-free option of the GoPro very useful with its easy voice commands.
Offering a compact mounting experience, this version of the GoPro is sleek and captures new, amazing perspectives. The advanced video stabilization of this camera allows you to capture smooth footage mounted to your gear or handheld.
Your photos and video footage can be shared and accessed from anywhere. If you have a subscription with GoPro Plus, your camera may automatically upload videos and photos to the cloud for simple sharing, editing, and viewing on the road.
If you decide to purchase the GoPro HERO5 Bundle, here’s what you will get:
The GoPro HERO5 Black offers playback and preview for your shots, and the ability to trim your videos and change settings, all from your camera. Capture stunning 12 MP photos and 4K video in time lapse, single, and burst modes.
The camera is durable and, like the other options on our list, completely waterproof in water up to 33 feet deep. In order to use the camera for diving deeper than this, make sure you get a housing for it.
The 4K perspectives you share from the HERO5 Black will make people feel like they are there in the shot. The simple touch display and one-button function make this camera easy to use, offering stable, smooth video, pro-quality photos, and crystal-clear sound.
In addition, the GPS function and voice control make this camera the most advanced available on our list. When you feel like sharing and editing your photos, the HERO Black immediately uploads it to the cloud, providing quick access, no matter which device you want to use. The next step is to use the GoPro mobile app to edit your videos.
This camera charges quickly and is highly portable. Bring it with you in your pocket and capture images on the go. The Android connectivity on this device works great.
Using the Capture application, you can easily watch what you’re shooting on your phone screen and guide your arm at the same time. The time lapses on the GoPro HERO5 Black look amazing. You can record a 2-hour time lapse using one battery life, then immediately transfer it wirelessly and share it with your smart phone.
The stability of this camera is great whether you’re walking down stairs or shooting a panning shot. Arm jiggle is much less of a concern than with other devices and it’s even smooth while riding a bicycle.
The audio on this camera offers a multi-directional recording that works well, even while listening to raw footage. The durability, large touch screen, and smooth plastic of this device make it well-worth the price.
If you use the GoPro HERO5 Black water-tight housing, please note that it bumps up against one of the buttons and makes it a bit of a challenge to fit in which some may consider a slight hassle.
Although the HERO5 doesn’t offer major improvements in terms of shooting specs or resolution, the software and design improvements make the videos and photos appear worlds better. The best improvements on the HERO5 are the audio changes and the built-in stabilization feature.
Action cameras as often lacking in audio, so GoPro offers a great alternative with this. They have also made their user interface much better. Although older models had a bit of a learning curve involved, this camera doesn’t.
In fact, it’s one of the easiest to maneuver on the market. Even though the same sensor from the HERO4 is used, the software changes make the video footage quality so much better.
The stereo sound is another pro, as is the camera’s ability to create RAW WDR. The GPS on the device tracks the locations of your photos and the built-in housing makes the camera way more durable than before.
You can expect to get two-hours worth of battery out of each charge. You will also love the device’s built-in screen. The camera supports a memory card of up to 128 GB.
If you order the bundle for this camera from GoPro, here is what you will get with it:
In September 2017, GoPro announced their newest addition to their camera line with the HERO6 Black, a solid improvement over the HERO5 due to better processing and video stabilization. The video is top-notch (4K60 and 1080p240), and the better processor means improved images and video, which was stellar to begin with in the HERO5.
The improved video stabilization works well mounted to something or hand-held, and the smooth footage is easy to get with the camera’s improved UI and display, which offers touch-zoom features for easier use in the field.
The HERO6 is all about convenience: its QuickStory feature allows you to send footage and images directly to your phone, which can they be edited incredibly quickly into a social media-worthy video or post. It also has better voice control, making it easier than ever to turn your GoPro on and off while in the middle of hunting.
Three microphones and GPS data options make the camera extremely versatile and helpful in the field, and once you’re back to town and technology, you’ll have wifi and Bluetooth technology to transfer videos and images to your phone much faster than transfer times with the HERO5 Black.
Hunters will benefit from the HERO6 Black’s improved low-light videos and images, so if you find yourself hunting at dawn or dusk and want to capture your hunt’s highlights, this camera will have an easier time doing so.
At the time of this review, it’s the number one selling product in the Sports & Action Video Cameras section of Amazon for a reason, and it may be sometime before we see any competitor knock off GoPro to become the best all-around camera option for hunters in all seasons.
If it’s your first time using a GoPro while hunting, it’s good to follow some general guidelines so you end up with the best photos, and experience, possible.
Here’s how to use the camera to capture the most memorable moments and perspectives on your hunt: